What Baking Can Do
Dear World,
There are a few things I love more than Sunday afternoons. I have found even in the most difficult seasons of my life, Sunday afternoons are always little Rivendells (forgive the LOTR reference) to my proverbial trips to Mordor. But seriously, last Sunday with my sister Michelle was absolutely perfect. She taught this tomboy how to make PIE.
But…..before the pie making session, we went on a lovely walk and picked these beauts
Then we began. We decided on Strawberry Rhubarb pie. Look at the colors of these strawberries
My favorite part was either kneading the dough…..
Having sparkling wine during our lesson!
And there it is! My first pie! Oh Sunday afternoons, I love you so!
“Mama, it’s amazing what baking can do”. – Waitress the Musical
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