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A Dear John Letter to 2017
Dear 2017, What a year you’ve been. To be real, not my favorite. Joy was a struggle. I think I missed a lot of miracles that way. To my new friend 2018: I want to have joy in the journey and to do crazy things like love people more, look on the bright side, work hard,...
To My New Brother
Dearest Stan, Today is your birthday. I am so thankful for this day, because today brought you into the world and ultimately into our home. My oldest sister Justina fell in love with you and brought you to Glenway for Thanksgiving in 2015. Little did I know how much...
Dear Miss Austen: An apology letter to Jane Austen
Dear Miss Austen, By the time I was fifteen years old I had read all your books and watched all the film adaptations with a firm belief that your books were too fluffy for a serious reader like myself. I thanked you briefly for your ability to lead me to real...
A Love Letter To F. Scott Fitzgerald
My Dear Francis, I recently reread the "Great Gatsby" after watching the 1978 adaptation starring Robert Redford. After watching so many different adaptations, I had lost sight of what was your book and what was the directors/writers artistic license. After reading...