Humility for beginnners

by Jan 8, 2017Thoughts

Dear World,

I heard humility is not self deprecation but self forgetfulness. That being said, it’s pretty hard to be self forgetful in the middle of a humiliating moment. Ideally you would easily cheer for that lucky girl who got the promotion over you, or be able to brush off saying something stupid at a party, or just appreciate how great the event went without any recognition from others for all the work you put into it. Ideally…….

Ideally I would have the appetite and figure of LoreLai Gilmore.  Ideals aren’t always what I get.

I hate humiliation just as much as the next girl and it seems like this week humiliation is the only friend I can keep around. So as someone in the midst of a little season of humility, I wonder if this whole idea of self forgetfulness is the only way to weather it.

What if I celebrated the victories of others around me like I celebrate my own? What if I actually listened to a single word someone said? What if I made this crazy idea a habit, so that in seasons of humiliation and in seasons of glorifciation I stayed the same peaceful self. Stranger things have happened.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others -Gandhi 



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