Dear World,

I wanted to show the world (or a tiny percent of it) my new music in a unique way by creating videos that looked a little bit like stepping into an enchanted forest and chancing upon a band of musicians. Yes I could do the normal band in a studio thing, but it seemed too by the book for me.

The day we shot was perfect in every way and the crew was almost magical in kindness. They would yell, “action,” we  would start to play, and as though both were looking for a chance to star in a music video, leaves would fall in time and butterflies would glide gingerly through the set.  Ehem…..obviously there would be the occasional Fedex truck driving by which was a little less magical.

In conclusion, I have decided enchanted forests are the best place to shoot videos, and I cannot wait for you to see this project. See a little behind the scenes in the video below. 






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