Dear 2017,
What a year you’ve been. To be real, not my favorite. Joy was a struggle. I think I missed a lot of miracles that way. To my new friend 2018: I want to have joy in the journey and to do crazy things like love people more, look on the bright side, work hard, and worry less. TBH 2017. I am so over you. I had a real sensation of relief when the clock stroke midnight.
What’s funny though, looking back you were curiously beautiful….
January – I rang in the New Year as the maid of honor for my darling sister Justina. Emotions all over the map! Green velvet dress still makes me happy. I gained a brother who makes super good food, takes amazing photographs, and treats my sister like a young queen.
February – Weird s*** happened and I bought a ticket to Poland. I watched Hunger Games over and over again. I visited Krakow which makes people believe in unicorns it’s so incredible.
March – I sang in southern California with Five for Fighting. I felt warm. I went back to Cafe Vitta my favorite coffee shop in L.A. I went to Austin and drank wine and watched a stupid movie with a dear friend.
April – My new album came out. My whole band stayed with my family. They made my songs sound so good at the release shows. So many people supported me. I love you all! Jim Gaffigan tweeted about the new album along with some amazing bands like Parachute and Kris Allen.
May – My sister Tess graduated from college and the day was beautiful the way Virginia can be.
June – I let go. I dreamed again. I began again. I saw a boy in a crowded room once whose eyes reminded me of sparklers on the 4th of July. Curiously beautiful.
July – I played in Europe for the first time! I fell in love with Denmark and Germany and Hungary and France and we met amazing people. We ate such good food in Germany.
August – I got a call from Natalie Macmaster (one of my favorite musicians) to play music with her and her incredible husband Donnell Leahy in Canada. Imagine green grass and a sky spilling over with stars and fiddle music.
September – We went to a festival in our little town. We relaxed the way festivals can make you relax.
October – I made cover videos with my friends that I love. Kris Allen sang “Wasting Away” with me.
November – I made pumpkin empanadas, and my dad loved them.
December – I spent a month singing songs about Christmas. I met so many people and visited with some incredible friends. My sister Michelle and I spent 3 weeks in a car together and are still friends.
I am learning that life isn’t always easy, but you always find the peaks if you just keep climbing.