10 Secrets You Should Know About My New Video
- This is just 1 of 4 of the acoustic videos we shot that day. We will be releasing them all in the next few months.
- The two dashing young men in the video are the amazingly talented John Hollier (guitar) and Scott Mulvahill (bass).
- John only speaks French.
- Cara Fox plays cello on two of the videos we shot. She has been on tour with Sara Barielles twice, which basically makes her a third class relic of Sara Barielles.
- I am wearing my sister Tess’ shoes. I don’t own heels like that, because I am already 5’8 and too uncoordinated to maneuver heels.
- In between takes we drank Shieldmaiden wine which is my very own label!
- These videos are inspired by one of my favorite Mumford and Son’s Video.
- My nail polish is from Urban Outfitters and is matte. I’m obsessed.
- #3 is totally untrue, but wouldn’t that be cool?
- The whole team of musicians and crew members for these videos are some of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.
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