10 Secrets You Should Know About My New Video

by Nov 1, 2016Thoughts

  1. This is just 1 of 4 of the acoustic videos we shot that day. We will be releasing them all in the next few months.
  2. The two dashing young men in the video are the amazingly talented John Hollier (guitar) and Scott Mulvahill (bass).
  3. John only speaks French.
  4. Cara Fox plays cello on two of the videos we shot. She has been on tour with Sara Barielles twice, which basically makes her a third class relic of Sara Barielles.
  5.  I am wearing my sister Tess’ shoes. I don’t own heels like that, because I am already 5’8 and too uncoordinated to maneuver heels.
  6. In between takes we drank Shieldmaiden wine which is my very own label! wine-image
  7. These videos are inspired by one of my favorite Mumford and Son’s Video.
  8. My nail polish is from Urban Outfitters and is matte. I’m obsessed.
  9. #3 is totally untrue, but wouldn’t that be cool?
  10. The whole team of musicians and crew members for these videos are some of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.
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